What’s up with the way that the media portrays menstruation? If all you knew about periods came from what you see on TV and in magazines, you’d think they’re either hilarious or terrifying. Watch Kat Lazo in this video where she discusses why this misrepresentation is dangerous for us if it causes embarrassment and uneasiness to the point of wanting to hide menstruation.

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Person looking at their phone in frustration

It’s a go-to romcom staple: Boy likes girl, but girl doesn’t like him back. The determined boy will then spend the movie trying to convince the girl to give him a chance. And although audiences are supposed to cheer him on, the truth of the matter is that this trope actually portrays stalking behavior. And when we show stalking as romantic, we start blurring lines.

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I was one of those kids that was always so worried about getting through college that I never gave much thought to what would happen after college. Before I knew it, graduation was around the corner and then, all of a sudden I was on my own thinking “Now what?” But you don’t have to punish yourself for being unemployed. Get out there and relish the break.

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Whether you and your loved one are three hours away or three time zones away, you are in a long-distance relationship. In any healthy relationship, you should be honest and communicative, be open about your futures, support each other to be better people, and celebrate/evaluate your relationship on a regular basis. Distance should not change that.

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The pain of being a feminist in an anti-feminist world is palpable and it stings. Online backlash is one thing. It isn’t deserved or excusable, but it’s expected. But what about when the backlash is in your real life, when it’s from friends or family? It can easily lead to resentment, frustration, and anger. So here are some ideas for self-care to deal with it.

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I’ve spent a lot of time and effort removing myself from body disparagement zones and have gotten comfortable with the idea that people can look like anything and it’s all good. Until I am reminded how many people out there live in a state of perpetual self-denial, self-denigration, and self-destruction just because of their fat. It is to those fat girls and to all of us who need a refresher course in body acceptance that I offer these Ten Rules.

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Feminist works garner a spectrum of responses, from life-affirming to life-threatening. Maybe it’s the emotional weight of the material. Maybe it’s the unflattering light we shine on the ugly truths of patriarchy. Either way, feminist pieces get a wide range of comments. We can use them to improve, but they can also be scary. Here are just a few of the commenters you’ll meet as an online feminist.

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As I get older, making new friends within the LGBTQ+ community becomes more difficult. My 30-year-old self rarely seeks out kindred spirits on the dance floor because my body just won’t allow for it. In addition, queer-friendly spaces that aren’t nightclubs are rapidly shutting down due to gentrification. This bothers me because building accountable and…

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It’s no secret that money is exchanged at uncomfortably high rates throughout the US, and the more politically savvy among us might begin to wonder how our dollars can make a difference for social change. Thankfully, several effective strategies exist for us to pick and choose from, depending on our own personal situations and how we want to activate a plan.

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