Because privilege can be near-invisible to those who have it, being told that you benefit from systematic social favoritism can be hard to accept. It’s not uncommon to feel that people are telling you that your life is simple and that you don’t work for what you have. But privilege is more complicated than that. This cartoon provides a useful visualization.

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To others, it was strange that as a young kid, I would often sit for hours with only the thoughts in my head. Over time, I saw how easy it was to become consumed by my thoughts and feelings, letting them take over. A lot of the back and forth wasn’t so nice, and I could get mad at myself for almost anything. So what I want to address is how NOT to get stuck in uneasy emotions.

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Trans people have to put up with a lot of crap from straight cis people: everything from people being offended to find out that the person they found attractive is “actually a man,” to asking invasive personal questions about a trans person’s genitalia. Check out this spoken word poem by J Mase III that pokes fun at these entitled attitudes.

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For many sexual assault survivors, the way that their community responds is as traumatic as their assaults. We’re in a unique cultural moment where this problem is getting national attention, and it’s imperative that we take advantage. The question to ask ourselves is: Where does our country go from here? FORCE says we need to create public spaces where the experiences of survivors are honored.

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In our society, the child-father relationship is given more attention and revered. Consequently, when a mother-child relationship is damaged, adult children tend to cover-up and internalize the loss. So why is it important to foster positive relationships between daughters and mothers? And where do daughters begin to repair poor relationships with their mothers?

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“Lose 20 pounds, and you’ll feel better.” “If you started exercising, this wouldn’t be a problem.” If you aren’t thin, chances are you’ve gone to the doctor’s office about a lingering cold, or a hurt elbow and had to listen to comments like these from your doctor. These situations can be awkward, and triggering. So can we handle them in the moment?

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Person with eyes closed, seemingly collecting oneself, focused on finding calm and balance

If you’ve ever caught yourself thinking “Why them and not me?” then this article is for you. Working through infertility or miscarriages while celebrating the births around you is not always an easy task – and you’re not alone in this hard experience. Check out this piece, which explains why binary thinking – a la easy and not-so-easy pregnancies – can be damaging.

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While it’s great that more people are identifying as feminist, I’m also bored with claims that feminism is the notion that women are people or a belief in equality – and nothing more. I’m not interested in a feminism that’s not grounded in the hard work of dismantling oppression. Because we don’t need a feminism that’s trendy — we need one that’s transformative.

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