People who don’t know I’m a survivor of domestic violence may be shocked. I’m a strong, loud-mouthed woman and a proud feminist. How could this happen to me? And yet to my horror, it did. Domestic violence can strike any of us. If you are being abused by your intimate partner, remember that you deserve better. You deserve love and respect. We all do. (Trigger Warning)

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No matter where we are in the world, people who risk expression will always be perceived as threats to people who look to preserve a sense of normalcy based on what makes them comfortable. All I know is that I will continue to express myself, and I will continue to prioritize the nurturing of children willing to confidently express themselves, too.

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Just because your job isn’t feminist in scope doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to incorporate your social justice practices into the workplace. Why shouldn’t you transform your workplace into the kind the kind of place you actually want to be in? We all deserve access to safe, supportive, and feminist work spaces. But how can we start to make that happen?

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Pronouns are an important part of our language. Using the right pronouns in our own daily language and asking others to do the same isn’t enough to change the extreme transphobia, discrimination, and violence that trans* people experience, but it’s a simple way to use language to show respect for our friends, to make trans* issues visible, and to challenge gender-based oppression.

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Language is an extremely finicky thing. Much like a snowball, a language picks up habits from the culture that uses it as time goes on, especially our really bad habits like racism, sexism, and homophobia. If a single word is enough to dismiss and disregard an entire population’s feelings, ideas, and humanity, you can imagine why those people would want it erased from society’s vocabulary.

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Thinspiration — images created and used to inspire its consumers to be thin — is now plastered all over every social media website. It isn’t confined to the realm of eating disorders anymore. It’s mainstream. And yet we’re not talking to consumers about it. But how do we talk to our friends, children, and students about it without being at war with them? Here’s a place to start.

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