Many of us have been conditioned to see vaginas (even our own!) as something shameful, only to be talked about when “appropriate.” This perpetuation of silence and shame can make some people uncomfortable about going to the gynecologist, even though it’s an important part of staying healthy. So here’s a step-by-step guide on what to expect.

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The pain of being a feminist in an anti-feminist world is palpable and it stings. Online backlash is one thing. It isn’t deserved or excusable, but it’s expected. But what about when the backlash is in your real life, when it’s from friends or family? It can easily lead to resentment, frustration, and anger. So here are some ideas for self-care to deal with it.

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White privilege is a concept that far too many people misunderstand. People of color aren’t unfairly discriminated against, the argument goes; they are just unwilling to work hard to get ahead. But structural inequality disproves that. Here are just a few of the things that are more than likely to be true if one happens to have been born white in America.

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I’ve spent a lot of time and effort removing myself from body disparagement zones and have gotten comfortable with the idea that people can look like anything and it’s all good. Until I am reminded how many people out there live in a state of perpetual self-denial, self-denigration, and self-destruction just because of their fat. It is to those fat girls and to all of us who need a refresher course in body acceptance that I offer these Ten Rules.

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While mainstream media perpetually assaults us with oppressive stereotypes (if there is any representation of us at all), marginalized people are taking the online world by storm. This specific photographic project “captures the incredible diversity and uniqueness among the LGBTQ youth population,” providing them with a space to share their stories. Check it out!

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