Handcuffed hands behind a woman's back

In the US, incarceration is used as a tool to enforce societal hierarchy and maintain systems of privilege. The people who comprise our prison population usually end up in the criminal justice system due to the circumstances of their oppression – and more than ever, those people are women of color. Read on to discover why this is a feminist issue that needs attention.

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Labels can be both useful and harmful — it depends on where and how we use those labels. Some people, however, advocate that we put labels to rest. They seem to think we’re perpetuating victimization and divisiveness. But here’s the thing: Labels don’t cause inequality. People do. This attitude just stands in the way of accountability and anti-oppression work.

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You might have heard that every prominent medical and mental health organization in the US denounces the use of “conversion” therapy to try changing someone’s sexual orientation to heterosexual. But do you know about the disturbing number of individual therapists who still think it’s an ethical practice? Here’s what’s really going on with reparative therapy.

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