My daughters are the most eye-opening experiences I’ve had in my 36 years of living. They’ve helped me to see both my potential and my limitations, and they’ve helped me to understand the need for deeper, more consistent dialogue around self-exploration and radical self-expression. These understandings have led to some pretty radical shifts in how the four of us choose to live.

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I’ve seen many wonderful articles that discuss questioning and defining your sexual orientation. However, there is a comparative lack of guidance when it comes to actually deciding what to do with such an epiphany. Just take a deep breath and remember to take things at your own pace. You know you’re queer – now let’s focus on what happens next.

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Dear cis men, there’s plenty of room for you in the feminist movement. But first, you must remember that feminism was created to address the unique oppression that women have historically faced, while acknowledging how overwhelmingly present that oppression still is and the many ways in which you benefit from it. Check out this article for more ally protocols.

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