Asian America: It’s a land of stereotypes — at least, according to television and film. Unfortunately, these stereotypes too often fall under the popular radar and aren’t discussed or acknowledged as much as they should be. I want to get the discussion started. I’d like to examine three of the most pervasive Asian stereotypes we see so often in mainstream media.

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Male socialization runs so deep through our veins. For many, the shame of not having money, the shame of not being able to provide, collapses upon every other facet of our lives. Few of us speak the shame. Few of us hold the shame, look at it, and let it be within us but not of us. Few of us know how.

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Young, unarmed Black men are being shot and killed at an alarming rate, particularly by the police. What are these shootings teaching our young Black boys? Check out this powerful spoken word poem from Javon Johnson about the day he realized his 4 year old nephew was already preparing for the battle that would be his life as a Black man in a racist, anti-Black world.

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