No matter how you sugarcoat it, being unemployed or underemployed sucks. Depression and monotony can become your only companions. But instead of letting unemployment consume your life, you can navigate your way through a rough situation without losing faith in yourself. Keep filling out those applications, try some of these ideas to help weather the storm, and most importantly, stay positive.

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Have you ever benefited from racism? Lots of us would say we haven’t, because the connection between our privileges and racist acts isn’t always clear in our everyday lives. But if we look at the history of the United States, we can start to understand the way oppression works through generations. Check out this clever comic to learn how it all goes down.

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“Why isn’t one person enough?” People have a lot of questions about polyamory. In this video, polyamorous people share some answers, breaking down misconceptions and giving advice on starting and sustaining non-monogamous relationships. So if you’re a polyamorous person or you wonder what it’s like to be one, enjoy this light-hearted clip on being true to who you are.

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Editor’s Note: While this comic asks people to avoid trivializing mental illnesses, it’s also true that self-diagnosis is often the first step towards seeking mental healthcare. For more information on the usefulness of self-diagnosis, please see this article.   To learn more, check out: 5 Unhelpful Things People Say to Trivialize Mental Health Issues A…

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You’ve seen the stereotype before: Asian woman falls in love with white hero and then cries when he inevitably leaves her. It’s one of the most tired tropes around Asian women in our media and, yes, even extends to Harry Potter. Check out this kickass poem by Rachel Rostad to JK Rowling on how this misrepresentation is damaging and dehumanizing and why we need to do better.

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As most parents want their children with depression to be happy, they too often focus on attempting to fix them rather than accepting them for who they are. This spoken word piece explains how this dynamic not only exacerbates the pain and isolation that accompanies depression and anxiety, it prevents parents from seeing their children as complete individuals.

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When you’re with your friends and someone makes a sexist joke and everyone laughs along, it can be easier to accept it, rather than make a point about it, right? We’ve all been there. But it’s these kinds of casual jokes in the everyday language that we use that subtly help feed a culture of sexism – and we want to stop that. So here’s Hannah Witton with some ideas on how.

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