Contemporary video game narratives normalize the sexual and murderous objectification, exploitation, and violence against women so cavalierly. One can’t help but question how expose to the murderous rape culture of this media influences the perspectives and behaviors of its players. How long will we tolerate such gruesomely misogynist depictions of abuse?

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We often discuss issues of rape and sexual violence with our daughters, but are we having these critical conversations with our sons? The truth is that our sons can be victims of rape, too. They can also be bystanders, confidants, or rapists. Undoubtedly these conversations are challenging. So how do we start them, and what do we talk about? Here are a few tips.

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From a young age, boys are bombarded with images of the traditional model of masculinity as being strong, ready to fight, sexually entitled, and emotionless except for anger. And while many men aren’t violent, many fear being called “gay” or “girly” if they deviate from that norm too much. Here’s some ways to help your son develop his own sense of healthy masculinity.

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Asexuality is just now coming onto the horizon as an identity. In the last ten years, there has been a growing awareness that some people don’t experience sexual attraction. Given how our society assumes everyone is and wants to be sexual, it can be confusing for some people to understand how asexual people date. So here are some

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My first sexual experiences taught me that sex is all about power and control. For me, being in a relationship meant relinquishing any power or control I had over my own body and my own emotions. Sex was the key to emotional security; when my partner was sexually satisfied, I was emotionally satisfied. It took four years of counseling with a therapist specializing in trauma for me to understand that this was a very unhealthy way of thinking.

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I want my consent to be fun, freaky, sexy, silly, seductive, creative, captivating! I want it all, and I want it healthy and mutual! What’s wonderful, though, is that it can be ALL of these things and more. Studies have shown that healthy, open communication leads to better sex. And who doesn’t want better sex? Here are some ways asking for and giving consent can be fun and satisfying.

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Person with their hand up as if saying "Stop"

This author, like so many of us who spend our time fighting sexism, was charged with wanting to be a victim. Is it true? We do often seek to acknowledge the horrifying truth of how our culture mistreats women and other marginalized folks. But that doesn’t mean you’re “playing the victim.” Here’s some affirmation of how far that is from the truth.

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