A dinner set-up: A white plate with a heart-shaped pillow on it, a fork and knife tied up with a red ribbon, against a wooden table

Dear partner, I understand that you don’t understand what it’s like to have an eating disorder, and I know that you’re not trying to trigger me. But if you really want this relationship to work, we’re going to need to talk about my eating disorder recovery. Because eating disorder recovery affects all aspects of a person’s life, and I need you to work with me on this.

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So you’ve figured out that you’re polyamorous. Awesome! But you’re also currently in a monogamous relationship. Uh-oh. Entering into a polyamorous relationship from a previously monogamous one can take work – but not only is it not impossible. It also can lead to healthier, more fulfilling relationships! Check out this comic to learn how to talk to your partner about your polyamory.

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Society tells us to be quiet and deal with the trauma of sexual violence alone. This complacency allows for continued violence, loneliness, and delayed healing. However, creating community through sharing our history with sexual violence is an empowering and revolutionary act of self love. Check out this article for strategies on how to safely share your story.

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I grew up learning that the only way to deal with bullies is to ignore them, the sort of I’m-rubber-you’re-glue rhetoric that conflict-avoiders love. To acknowledge a fear of catcalling strangers, even among friends, feels a bit like letting the bullies win. But I’m starting to realize that fear is a powerful weapon, too, in that it can unite people against a common enemy.

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