There are a lot of misconceptions about what it means to be a trans guy — everything from conflating it with sexuality (“All trans guys are just super lesbians”) to misunderstanding that trans is not necessarily defined physically (“You aren’t really trans until you start hormone treatment”). Arielle Scarcella and Benton Sorensen team up to bust some of these myths!

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There comes a moment when we are all confronted with our own privilege. And yes, it can be very challenging to accept and acknowledge this privilege — but the way we react when confronted says a lot about us. Check out this poem by Andrea Gibson about a moment when fellow poet Sonya Renee called them out for their white privilege and about how they reacted.

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In this spoken word poem, Rowie Shebala explores the painful irony of how the American public and media consumes mass-produced stereotypes of Indigenous identity for frivolity, while disregarding the actual people striving to survive the continuing trauma that colonization and capitalism built. This poem demands that we address and change our oppressive behavior.

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How can we better understand white privilege and use this knowledge to make the world better for everyone? To this day, so many conversations about [white] privilege are rendered futile because of an inability to accept that our society systematically uplifts some individuals while marginalizing others. Too often, there is a stubborn refusal to accept…

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The work of being a feminist doesn’t stop once we claim to be feminists. Years of socialization will not suddenly vanish from one’s mind or way of knowing and experiencing the world. So it’s important we be honest with ourselves about messages we’ve internalized, recognize our privilege, and question our assumptions in order to practice an inclusive, accountable, and progressive feminism.

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When you’re with your friends and someone makes a sexist joke and everyone laughs along, it can be easier to accept it, rather than make a point about it, right? We’ve all been there. But it’s these kinds of casual jokes in the everyday language that we use that subtly help feed a culture of sexism – and we want to stop that. So here’s Hannah Witton with some ideas on how.

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One of the most dangerous aspects of abusive relationships is that perpetrators convince their partners that the abuse is a sign of love. And that can be a difficult spell to break. This short film follows the story of a poet named Lucy who delivers a spoken word piece about the subtle ways that abuse began to dominate her relationship — and how she broke free.

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