Racism toward Asians is treated differently in America than racism toward other ethnic groups. While the same racist may hold back terms he sees as off-limits toward other minorities, he will often not hesitate to call an Asian person a chink, as Jeremy Lin was referred to, or talk about that Asian person as if he must know karate, or call him Bruce Lee, or consider him weak or effeminate, or so on.

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Person touching their face, standing against pink background

Society sets up a toxic norm that says you’re not “manly” if you express your emotions. We hope these men’s perspectives on what makes them cry helps other men remember that it’s more than okay to cry.

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Male socialization runs so deep through our veins. For many, the shame of not having money, the shame of not being able to provide, collapses upon every other facet of our lives. Few of us speak the shame. Few of us hold the shame, look at it, and let it be within us but not of us. Few of us know how.

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