A group of friends laughing together

With US American society as it is – where things are expected to be open and available for any amount of poking and scrutiny – being an introvert isn’t exactly easy. This culture has been built for extroverts, often leaving introverts behind and feeling less-than. Check out this article to see how extroverts benefit from their social privileges on a regular basis.

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News flash: Women have body hair. Armpits, legs, genitals — even faces. And it’s become a widely accepted rule that they must remove this hair. Some women choose to do this freely, and some women choose to defy this standard. But the stigma runs even deeper than that. Here are four harmful side effects of body hair stigma that you may have overlooked.

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Plus-size model Tess Munster looks seductively at the camera against a teal background

When fat and happy people get positive press, we get hope for body positivity. But scrolling down to the comments is a different story – there, you’ll find a monstrous amount of hate and criticism. So why is loving yourself so controversial? Find out with this spot-on take on how we’re all taught to feel badly about ourselves and why body love is for everyone.

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As the Black community continues to fight against anti-Black violence, legislation, and other forms of racist oppression, we must also learn how to be better allies and support systems to each other. This article asks the community to consider feminism as a tool to unite Black people across gender and heal the patriarchal remnants of slavery and white supremacy.

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