“Why is this event only for [insert marginalized identity]? I’m an ally! I want to show my support.” While it can hurt when you come with good intentions, a healing space that is only for people of a marginalized identity that you don’t share is not for you. And that’s actually ok and needed. But sometimes we forget that and demand entry. Here’s another approach.

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Because of cultural stigma, political barriers, economic difficulty, and anti-abortion bullies who threaten of violence or exposure, choosing to end a pregnancy can be a difficult and traumatic. But for so many, it’s a necessary act of self-efficacy. Read this article to learn how to best support your friend who is considering an abortion.

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According to the 2010 census, there are 154,000 stay-at-home dads in the U.S. 154,000? That’s not even a lot of people in Delaware. I’m in a minority group because of what I do for a living, and as a result, I face a particular kind of prejudice on a daily basis. That’s right. I’m talking about “Dadscrimination.” From the serious to the semantic, here are just a few of the ways dads get the shaft.

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