It seems that every year around this time, I get gazillions of e-mails from folks who are nervous about the holidays. Explaining to your family that you don’t want to know the number of calories in pecan pie, or that – yes – you have put on a little weight, and it’s totally okay, may not be your idea of a fun holiday. So what can you do to survive through it? I’ve got some ideas.

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Kids are, allegedly, getting fatter. But not a single study shows that weight loss works for more than 5% of people, and, by the way, despite fears about obesity, U.S. life expectancy continues to rise. So why are people continuing to fixate on childhood obesity? I think maybe because it’s obscuring a much bigger, scarier issue. This issue being childhood poverty.

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You don’t need me to tell you that words have meaning. So it should come as no surprise that the words we use as activists matter, too. The way we describe our movements, allies, and opponents are loaded with meaning, and it is our responsibility as feminists to be mindful of the ways in which we wield this power. So how can we use our words to make change?

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We had a lot of awesome feminist moments in 2014! From Mo’ne Davis, Laverne Cox, to Emma Sulkowicz, feminists have been showing up and taking charge in pop culture and the news. Check out this video by Kat Lazo of TheeKatsMeoww for a list of just some of the exciting ways feminists have been smashing the patriarchy and the kyriarchy!

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I was about 17 when I stopped blaming my body for the disablist discrimination I experienced and learned about the social model. For myself, I prefer to view the world as a person with an impairment who is disabled by the society we live in because of all the barriers that are put in our way. This shift radically changed how I thought about my own body.

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Do you know who threw the first punch at Stonewall? Do you know when the movement changed from “liberation” to “pride,” and why? If you care about justice for LGBTQIA+ communities, you have to know this history. Don’t miss these crucial lessons from Laverne Cox on why we must fight transphobia and end patriarchy, racism, and classism in the LGBTQIA+ community.

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Often, straight men become frustrated when they meet a woman who doesn’t trust them immediately. They’re frustrated that women impose a “guilty until proven innocent” mentality on all men. But there are reasons why women feel this way. If we can work to understand those reasons, we can learn how to work with her in a supportive role, if that’s what she wants.

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Aside from all the merriment that “Over the Hill” jokes bring, something deeper is also allowing for everyone to see making fun of all of the stereotypes of older age as being necessary and perhaps the only way to “deal with” getting older. Which social and cultural condition makes this type of thinking possible? Well, not to put too fine a point on it: ageism.

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