I won’t lie: Being in a multicultural relationship has many challenges. You need to have an open mind and be willing to do things “the other way” when necessary. Yet attraction, love, and understanding are ultimately the only things a couple needs to survive. My relationship – like most relationships – is all about embracing the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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(Trigger warning: rape). Rolling Stone’s recent retraction of a story about campus rape was a disaster, and not for reasons you might think. Rape survivors already face way too many barriers when it comes to getting help, including the risk that they they won’t be believed. Check out this video for insight on why Rolling Stone’s handling of the situation just makes those barriers worse.

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A person sitting on a psychotherapist couch

For some, therapy sessions are essential to emotional upkeep. But once this author started being open with family and friends about going to therapy, she realized that there are a few misconceptions out there about it. Here are some of the uninformed things people have said about therapy and the truths about what really happens behind the white noise machine.

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Boys will always be boys. What kind of boys they are, is up to us parents. Unfortunately, most boys and girls are exactly the types of children our society wants them to be. As brave as we need our children to be, that example must be set by us. Society as a whole, however, still encourages the “Boys will be boys, and girls will be girls” mentality.

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When I look at myself in the mirror, I do not see an Asian face. I see me. It’s not until I step outside and interact with others that I am forced to realize: I am an Asian female, and I look different. Is being Asian and American mutually exclusive? How do we negotiate the hyphen in Asian-American? It’s about staying true to the person I see in the mirror every morning.

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As a fat person, I am often surrounded by people, messages, and media that work to ensure that I know that being fat is (supposedly) not okay. There are many ways that fat individuals try to manage living in the hostile environment, but I want to suggest doing something a little radical: coming out as fat. Here are some places to start.

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I went through a decade where I didn’t like much of anything about myself. I would sit for hours wondering what was wrong with me, why I wasn’t like so-and-so, or why I couldn’t just like myself. And then I got so fed up with not knowing how to change that I no longer cared that I didn’t know how to do it. I was going to do it anyway. And now, I want to share how I did it — in three reflective steps.

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Intersectionality dictates that experiences will vary based on the intersecting identities of the individuals in play. For queer people, an important intersection is often race, especially as it relates to family dynamics. Check out this video featuring four stories of trials and triumphs that Asian and Pacific Islander members of the LGBTQIA+ community face.

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