Racialized sexism sneaks into spaces that claim to have the best interests of women and People of Color at heart. Dealing with racialized sexism means dealing with the fact that every person holds multiple political and social identities that blend and intersect. Therefore, assuming that all experiences of sexism are just variations of the same thing is a mistake.

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We’ve received hundreds of reports of women being groped, grabbed, manhandled, slapped, tweaked, pinched, stroked and smacked in public, usually by complete strangers. Yet our society not only downplays and accepts this crime but deliberately normalizes it, telling women not to overreact, not to make a fuss out of nothing, or even to be glad of the attention.

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Growing up a brown Muslim girl in the United States is almost paradoxical: You are at the same time desexualized and hypersexualized. I think that all brown girls – especially Muslim girls – go through this. You don’t look exactly right. You don’t fit in; you’re squeezing through the cracks, the same way your ass is squeezing out of the back of the two-piece swimsuit your mom wouldn’t let you buy.

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Choosing whether or not to report sexual assault shouldn’t be a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils. But it is. Staying silent often means the issue is never addressed, but when survivors speak up, they’re met with blame and skepticism. It’s a catch-22. This comic by Jim C. Hines perfectly captures how unfair and harmful this double standard is.

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Some detrimental cultural ideals run so deep that no one even questions whether they might operate as support beams of status quo oppression. Let’s take the word “bitch” for example. As an exercise in identifying some potentially hibernating connotations that can perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes, here are a few common uses of the word “bitch” and their problematic subtexts.

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Might a woman wearing a sari at a podium get a different reception than a woman wearing a dark suit? Perhaps. I guess it depends on if the podium is in New York or Topeka. But isn’t that difference in reception one worth challenging and interrogating? It’s a personal choice – just as any other woman’s style of professional presentation is her personal choice.

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If you haven’t heard, the gaming world has been facing quite a bit of criticism for its extreme and pervasive misogyny… and some gamers aren’t handling the criticism well. They’ve responded with threats of rape, death, and mass shootings and have forced Anita Sarkeesian and other women who have spoken out in the gaming community out their homes for fear of their safety. But Anita isn’t backing down. Watch her appearance on the Colbert Report to find out what #Gamergate is really about.

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Our warped notion of how “dangerous” Black men are leads us, like George Zimmerman, to focus a lot of anxiety on them. It leads to the modern equivalent of lynching. It perpetuates racism. It cuts us off from other human beings. When we act out of our fear and hatred, out of our unexamined programming, we’re being George Zimmerman. Here’s another thing: It doesn’t help you be safer.

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There’s no shortage of outcries from those who believe that selfies are the pinnacle of the passive narcissism and self-indulgence facilitated by social media. But we need to start teaching girls that confidence is not a sign of vanity, but a marker of healthy self perception and positive thinking. Break out your camera and start snapping. Embrace yourself.

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There’s a myth is that if you have enough women and femmes in your organization, your organization is automatically not sexist or femmephobic. This is absolutely untrue, especially if the only way for women and femmes to get ahead is to emulate men and masculinities. When I talk about femininity and masculinity I am talking…

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So you’re interested in feminism, but you don’t know how to bring it into your everyday, run-of-the-mill, daily life. Maybe you want to start thinking through a more feminist lens; maybe you just want to learn what the heck slut shaming is. Here with six helpful tips is Erin McKelle! Watch her video to learn how to bring feminism into your everyday life.

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