I lived a very long time with the belief that my body was my enemy. I believed it had betrayed me, swallowed me up, and that the real me was deep down somewhere inside. Because I was a girl, self-hatred was part of my cultural inheritance. My life began when I stopped trying to lose weight and set my mind to losing hate. Because I only get one body, and I will fight for it, not against it.

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With Obama’s proposals only a hazy shade more inclusive than the Senate’s plan is there any room for everyday people who aren’t lobbyists and professional activists to insert themselves? Is there political space for the policy framework that’s been proposed to be improved upon? Does your lone voice matter? The answer is yes, yes, yes! Read on to find out just how you can help as an average citizen.

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The world can be an exhausting place. We’re often told to do self-care “stuff” as if it was easy or as if they were enough to undo a day’s worth of stress. But at the same time, when you give and give, there will be nothing left if you don’t put something back. So here are ways to think about self-care that will work for you so you’ll have the energy to show up fully in your life.

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What does it mean when someone says you’re “not the average Black girl?” Some people mean it as a compliment, but here’s one Black woman who’s not taking it that way. Catch Ernestine Johnson’s powerful words about why. She’s got the real deal on who the average Black girl really is, and why she’s so much more than the tired stereotype some people try to use to dismiss her.

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Being happy in a relationship is nearly impossible if you feel unlovable. You’ll either ignore your needs and act from a place of keeping your partner happy rather than yourself or push your partner away in order to confirm your belief that you’re unlovable. But we all have flaws and being lovable doesn’t mean being perfect. So here are a few steps to help you believe that you are, indeed, lovable.

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Make no mistake: Paid sick days are a feminist issue. And they’re one of those job benefits you don’t realize you want until you suddenly need them. The ability to take time off when you or a family member is sick impacts your health, well-being, and financial security. You shouldn’t have to choose between your paycheck and your health.

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You’ve seen the statuses (“I said YES!”) and the ring selfies (“He put a ring on it!”). You’ve also memorized the jewelry store slogans. Everyone, it’s here. It’s engagement season. And if engagement season makes you contemplate a swift death, you’ve come to the right place. Put the chocolate and wine away, because here are some healthy ways to sift through the engagement season frenzy.

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