Rape jokes are just not funny. They can be traumatizing and anyone around you may be a survivor without you knowing it. To see why these jokes continue, we need to understand how sexual violence is made insignificant and normalized, the ways we contribute to rape culture, and how to address people who make them. And most importantly, we need to take care of ourselves when it happens.

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What’s it’s like to date a feminist? Here’s an honest interview with someone who knows: boyfriend of self-described part-time feminist vlogger, full-time sass machine Marina Watanabe. Even if you’re familiar with feminist dating, you’ll want to catch his hilarious answers to her hard-hitting questions and get a little more enlightened about everyday feminist life.

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As social creatures, we thrive in community and rely on each other for our very survival and use empathy to connect and build that community. But we train empathy out of our bodies by shielding our eyes to what we do not want to see – ignoring the raw humanity and need that is right in front of us, that would make us ache if we would only let it. This has an impact on us as individuals and as a community.

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From magazines plastered with the latest stars’ weight gain, to diet ads featuring people grabbing and pinching their flesh, the message is clear: “Fat is bad and you better do something about it.” The way people justify this contempt is bringing up concerns about “health” and individual responsibility explanations. But these explanations fall flat. Here’s why.

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I had learned that it was “best” to seem healthier or present a plastic version than to reveal the real, hurting me. But inside, I felt fried, blitzed, scattered. At some point, I decided that I had had enough of that. It needed to stop. I needed to change. But I wasn’t even sure what my image of emotional healthiness was. Here are some ways I learned that worked for me and may work for you.

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You’ve heard about organic food – eating it is good for you and the planet. But what about when you just need to eat because you’re hungry? This spoken word piece tells the story of one of the millions of American children living with the risk of not having food each day. Step into his shoes to understand the bigger picture about economic and food justice.

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The premise is that women are their own worst enemies, focusing on their worst physical qualities. A sketch artist draws them based on their descriptions, then redraws them based on the description of others. When they see the side-by-side comparison, they realize that they’re more beautiful than they thought. That may sound inspiring, but it doesn’t work for a number of reasons. Here are five.

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Person gloriously showing off their hairy under arms

Body hair is perfectly normal, so why do we get the message that it’s disgusting and unhygienic? The idea that people can monitor and police other people’s bodies is really messed up. Take it from this author, whose transition taught him that no one’s body fits expectations. Read about his love for his body and get inspired to love your own wild and lovely self.

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There is something else lurking below the surface that is making things even tougher for women to get – and stay – elected. And it’s hiding behind a friendly grin: that casual comment about the outfit she’s wearing or that mention of her hairstyle. Simply put: Discuss a female candidate’s appearance in the media, and you steal some of her political credibility.

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