We’re told everyday that fat is unhealthy and dieting is healthy. Often people who say “fat is bad” do so from a place of alleged concern. But this is called concern trolling – worrying about someone health and weight in a way that says they can’t be trusted to make decisions about their own bodies. It also reinforces ideas about fat that are untrue. So I’d like to present you with some facts here to debunk these myths.

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When I hear people discussing the Stay-at-Home Mom/Work-Out-of-Home Mom dichotomy, I feel incredibly disjointed from the conversation. I divide up my priorities between paying the bills, quality learning, and loving time with my son and that is my self-actualization. For me, parenting as a feminist is doing what is best based on your values, regardless of adversity or public opinion.

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Are you looking for inspiration outside of yourself? This author learned that inspiration is a force that can only be born inside herself – and here’s how this approach could make positive changes in your life.

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Coming out is not often an easy process – for anyone. But when folks experience intersecting marginalized identities on top of being queer, there can be added layers of difficulty. Check out these awesome queer folk (and their parents!) discussing their trials and triumphs of coming out in immigrant family systems, as well as giving advice on how you can do the same.

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This article was originally published on In These Times. It has been lightly edited and republished here with the author’s permission. Ever since the earth-shaking election of Donald Trump, there have been innumerable articles arguing that Democrats brought this upon themselves by losing white, working-class voters in the Midwest. These articles have been met with…

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Person laying in bed with their hands over their face in frustration

You can probably think of more than a few reasons why the image of the hot, hypersexual Latina is a tired stereotype. Here’s an alarming one: that stereotype forces asexual Latinas to battle dangerous racialized and sexist messages that say their bodies are not their own. Read on for this stunning perspective that gives us more reason to put this myth to rest.

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Don’t be these guys. If you’re a Black woman, you probably know the guys we’re talking about, and you might’ve been the recipient of some of their cringe-worthy pickup lines. This hilarious video should be required watching before anyone approaches a Black woman for an interracial date. Share a laugh about how it all goes down with the Roommates to the Tombmates.

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You know that friend who’s always pointing out how every commercial features mostly white people, and who ruins the best parts of movies by saying, “This scene is so sexist”? Ever considered that maybe they’re just media literate? Check out this video from Melissa Fabello for an introduction into what media literacy is and why you should care about it!

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I have firsthand experience with feeling alienated and stereotyped. I have been intimidated in meetings and presentations. And I have also been the intimidator.The belief that there is only space for one woman at the top transcends industries. We must remember that the boardroom is not a throne. There is space around every boardroom table for us – many of us. We just have to barge in as a team.

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