You know that friend who’s always pointing out how every commercial features mostly white people, and who ruins the best parts of movies by saying, “This scene is so sexist”? Ever considered that maybe they’re just media literate? Check out this video from Melissa Fabello for an introduction into what media literacy is and why you should care about it!

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Myths and stereotypes about weight are so normalized. So it’s no wonder if you (person who is worried about a loved one) are invested in the idea that fat is bad or want them to be spared the pain of being fat in our society. And it’s no wonder that you (person who has gained weight or is fat) may have some mixed feelings about the “help” that people want to give. Here’s some ways to have this conversation.

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Refugees and migrants across the globe are desperate to cross borders to seek new possibilities for themselves and their families. Many are interested in crossing into the United States particularly. It’s actually the top global destination for migrants and refugees worldwide. Unstable political situations, armed conflict, scarcities in solid infrastructure and resources, and devalued currencies…

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People meditating in a yoga class

What’s the problem with yoga in the US? Maybe you’ve bristled at the allegation that it’s cultural appropriation. And why shouldn’t all people have access to this wonderful practice? Here’s a clear breakdown of what parts of this billion-dollar industry misrepresent and colonize yoga, with steps to make sure your yoga practice comes from a place of love and respect.

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As feminist allies to survivors, we must believe that a survivor’s account of their sexual assault is true. Please read this article to understand why — even if we experience their account as disoriented, foggy, or even factually incorrect — we must understand that they are still telling their own deepest truth, and we must honor that. Survivors deserve our support.

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From the way it was presented to me, I knew my disability was something negative; something no one wanted. So I was placed in Special Ed, because that’s what people do with you when they can’t figure you out.

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It was universal the dehumanized way people on Food Stamps are made to feel so in that aspect it is difficult to live on Food Stamps. Well the stigmatization ends for me. I refuse to hang my head for supplementing my husband’s income with SNAP.

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