We’re told everyday that fat is unhealthy and dieting is healthy. Often people who say “fat is bad” do so from a place of alleged concern. But this is called concern trolling – worrying about someone health and weight in a way that says they can’t be trusted to make decisions about their own bodies. It also reinforces ideas about fat that are untrue. So I’d like to present you with some facts here to debunk these myths.

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I believe shoving children into the culturally created gender binary can be crippling and try to do gender neutral parenting instead. So when someone gives my 1 year old son a toy hammer and tells him it’s time he toughens up or insults a toy vacuum as girly, we have issues. Here are a few methods I’ve developed to help alleviate the stress that our gendered society can pose on a family.

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Though coming out as queer and/or trans can be empowering, homophobia and transphobia often ostracize people from their families and cultural spaces. While this type of loss is deeply painful for all who experience it, it’s even more arduous when exacerbated by the racism, xenophobia, and systemic and legislative violence that comes with being Latinx in the US.

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Increasing marriage equality is a great step in the right direction. But it’s more important than ever to broaden the scope of what we envision for queer liberation. By unfolding the many layers of what liberation and equality could look like for the LGBTQ+ community, we’ll be able to see a nuanced picture of marriage equality that is couched in the larger movement for social justice.

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(Trigger warning: rape.) Like most college freshmen, I drank too much. And one night, I drank too much and was pitched out of a frat house in the dead of winter. I woke up in my lofted bed. My clothing was on the floor, and I felt an invisible miasma of shame engulfing me. And my coping mechanism was to make my rapist my partner, giving purpose and intent to something horrible.

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People often assume the black community is alright with casual homophobia, including black people ourselves. When people make a disparaging comment about gay people that’s so “normal” that no one checks them on it but then claim to be supportive of LGBTQ people, it can be hard to tell who’s supportive or not. So let’s not make it so hard to tell by standing up to normalized casual homophobia.

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Whispers from the mainstream media, pornography, friends, and locker room walls sell lies, telling us what we want to hear, convincing us of untruths. It’s like a game of Telephone, but what’s at stake is our understanding of ourselves and our relationships. And that’s a dangerous game. So here’s the truth – about penises.

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This article was originally published on In These Times. It has been lightly edited and republished here with the author’s permission. Ever since the earth-shaking election of Donald Trump, there have been innumerable articles arguing that Democrats brought this upon themselves by losing white, working-class voters in the Midwest. These articles have been met with…

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Asexuality is just now coming onto the horizon as an identity. In the last ten years, there has been a growing awareness that some people don’t experience sexual attraction. Given how our society assumes everyone is and wants to be sexual, it can be confusing for some people to understand how asexual people date. So here are some

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