At that age, kids often ask a lot of questions about their bodies and it’s important they develop a positive relationship to them as part of developing healthy sexuality. Most of us have the best of intentions but lack the skills to implement them due to our own lack of role models and the very visceral reaction to the topic. So here’s a different way of handling their difficult questions.

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When I tell people that I don’t own a car, people treat me differently. They do this because they see me as someone who has chosen to flirt with death. “But isn’t it dangerous in those parts of DC? Aren’t you scared that you will get mugged?” When I travel via public transport, I make a lot of observations. Here are the two most important lessons I’ve learned.

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Whiteness is a system that was created for the sole purpose of consolidating power in the hands of a few in the US. And so, we face a choice: continue to invest in white supremacy, which dehumanizes everyone, or stand on the side of justice and regain our humanity. Ask yourself: What are you willing to give? And then check out these four ways to divest from whiteness.

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