Person looking seriously into the camera

(Trigger Warning: Rape and rape culture) Do you believe reporting rape is the best way to fight rape culture? A lot of people do, and it’s understandable to think that reporting rape would lead to more rape convictions and prevention. But the truth is, it’s not that simple. To tackle rape culture, we have to challenge the dangerous idea that survivors have a responsibility to report and support the choices of survivors.

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Silhouette of a person with their head in their hands, looking distraught

Being a trans person who experiences body dysphoria can be a challenge – both for the person directly experiencing it, as well as for the loved ones around them. The truth is, few people feel prepared to help someone cope with body dysphoria. So if you’re wondering how to support someone with this experience in your life, this list of five tips is a great place to start.

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In parenting, the real issue isn’t that there are differences between genders, but how parents react to those differences. If we can identify areas where we may have a bias, we can direct our awareness there to overcome it or compensate for it. Let’s look at some ways to compensate for implicit bias in our parenting.

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iPhone with a speech bubble, reading "#Activism"

We – as social justice activists – need to explore beyond thinking of the very large and very public demonstrations as the sole means of radical change. Who is included in our idea of “activists?” In which ways are we unintentionally excluding folks in this vision? What other platforms are activists using to raise awareness about injustice? Let’s talk about it.

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