Bringing home a new baby is a mixture of unparalleled joy and equally intense stress. The last thing on your mind is probably the sexuality of your tiny infant. We don’t want to think of our innocent children as sexual beings but they are, especially in relationship to how they perceive their own body, which parents influence. And it all starts well before the first “birds and bees” discussion.

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When people of color internalize racism and become self-hating, they have made a mental link between worth and whiteness. When we strip ourselves of that lie, we can start to see ourselves as whole rather than deficient. And only when we see our wholeness and understand that we’re worth fighting for can we advance any movement that holds the best interests of people of color at heart.

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As a society, we see adoption as a beneficial process, but there still remains a lack of understanding about adoption and far too many misconceptions about the process. It’s time to raise awareness, debunk longstanding myths, highlight outstanding needs, and give a deserving voice to those whose lives were changed by adoption.

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Close-up of the dictionary definition of "privilege"

We live in a time when conversations about privilege have become incredibly commonplace. It feels like privilege has gone pop – and that’s not necessarily a good thing. Because when we talk about privilege, we must do so with the kind of complexity that holds people of privilege accountable. So how does pop cultural privilege discourse hurt movements for justice? Read on.

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My daughters are the most eye-opening experiences I’ve had in my 36 years of living. They’ve helped me to see both my potential and my limitations, and they’ve helped me to understand the need for deeper, more consistent dialogue around self-exploration and radical self-expression. These understandings have led to some pretty radical shifts in how the four of us choose to live.

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If you’re at all involved with online social justice, you’ve probably encountered trigger warnings — and you’ve also probably seen some confusion about (and even push back against) them. Are they patronizing? Are they helpful? How do we use them? And what exactly ARE they? Here’s a primer on why, when, and where they can (and in some cases, should) be used.

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