Racial Justice Articles

13 Unsettling Realities of an Undocumented Immigrant During Trump’s Presidency

A Post-Election Thanksgiving Fact Sheet to Help You Prove Oppression Exists

If Our Freedom is Criminal, We Must Change the Laws

Person looking in mirror, reflecting

On Internalized Racism: 4 Lessons I Learned as an Undercover Asian

7 Invasive Things People Tell Afro-Latinxs (And Why You Must Stop Saying Them)

A Reality Check for Your Typical ‘White Men Aren’t the Enemy’ Objection

Get Stuff Fixed In Your Building! 3 Steps That Really Work & Help Stop Gentrification

‘When You Realize He Has Yellow Fever’ – A Comedian’s Take on Asian Fetishes

Second- and Third-Generation Latinas and the Difficulty to ‘Fit In’

10 Heart-Wrenching Rent Crowdfunding Campaigns Brought To You By Gentrification

A group of people at a racial justice rally

More Than a Theory, More Than a Trend: Making Your White Anti-Racism a Lifestyle Commitment

5 Ways To End Stigmas Against Mental Health Care In Communities Of Color

More Men Should Learn The Difference Between Masculinity and Toxic Masculinity

A Reclamation of My Rights as an (Un)documented Person

Maroon background with a gold speech bubble that reads, "Let me tell you who the real racist is..."

Why It’s Not Racist When People of Color Point Out White Supremacy in White People’s Actions

10 Affirmations to Help Undocumented Immigrants Turn Panic into Resistance

Are Debtors Courts Unfairly Targeting Minorities?

Why the Term ‘Human Nature’ Is Way More Harmful Than It Seems

A dancer wearing multicolored beaded clothing and headdress is looking down in mid-dance.

Your Anti-Oppression Roadmap to Traveling Through and Visiting Indian Country

A person in shadows, looking upset

How the ‘Taking the Country Back’ Frenzy Incites White Violence and Terror

The Black power symbol of a fist, holding a fork

Why We Can’t Forget Food Justice in Our Anti-Racism Fight

Why Pressuring People to Be ‘Easygoing’ Is an Oppressive Tactic

7 Ways To Use Spiritual Practice To Heal and Resist

Cartoon of a 'Rosie the Riveter' type character, saying "We Can Do It!"

The Beginning Black Feminist’s Guide to Feminism Without the Anti-Black Bullsh*t

Why Are Inmates Still Being Denied Menstrual Products?

Why White Women Terrify Me

Privacy Is Not Dead – Here’s Why It’s an Important Social Justice Issue

Two children of different races are shown together

10 Insidious Ways White Supremacy Shows Up in Our Everyday Lives

White Privilege, Explained in One Simple Comic

Ain’t I A Man: Being Black and Gay in a World that Honors Neither