Recently, California passed the “Yes Means Yes” law, which dictates that “an affirmative, unambiguous and conscious decision” must be reached by everyone involved to engage in sexual activity. This was a huge step in the fight against rape culture! What does this decision mean in terms of our society’s view of sex and consent? Check out this video to find out!

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I’m not going to tell you that labels are for soup cans, although I understand that sentiment. But the secret that no one is telling you is this: This is who you are, and your experience is valid – with or without a label affixed. But for everyone who’s got a hold on identifying their feelings, but needs help figuring out a label, let’s talk about it.

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You’ve seen the signs: “Pregnant? Scared? Alone? We Can Help.” Have you ever responded to one? Thousands of women have. Usually promising free services like pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and “judgment-free” counseling, these centers reach out to women in potentially vulnerable positions, claiming to offer hope and help. But what are they really like?

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Jenna Marbles posted a video expressing her opinions about women who she referred to as “sluts.” In a response to this, popular vlogger Hayley Hoover explains how the video could negatively affect Jenna’s audience of primarily young women. Watch Hayley explain how setting up a dichotomy between “sluts” and “regular girls” leads to rape, and the internalization of blame on the part of rape victims.

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Erin McKelle argues that part of the reason why people are so bad at getting consent is because they don’t know what consent looks like. So what does consent look like, and how does it work? Well, for one thing, let’s talk about the importance of enthusiasm when it comes to consent in that it shows actual interest in sex, rather than complacency.

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At that age, kids often ask a lot of questions about their bodies and it’s important they develop a positive relationship to them as part of developing healthy sexuality. Most of us have the best of intentions but lack the skills to implement them due to our own lack of role models and the very visceral reaction to the topic. So here’s a different way of handling their difficult questions.

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The “gray area” we have come to know as an inevitable part of sex is a product of our culture’s unhealthy approach to sex. But this murky confusion does not have to and should not exist. We need to talk openly about the “gray area” myth and how it plays out in order to recognize instances in which consent is being assumed where it does not exist and in order to have truly consensual sexual experiences.

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Certain memories of my father stick out on my mind. I remember how he joked that he liked women who looked cheap. I remember I rolled my eyes and laughed with him, I didn’t find it funny at all. Because what did it mean for me, a girl just past puberty, hoping to be wanted by the world? What would I have to do to get love and attention? Who would I have to be?

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Sexuality isn’t a choice. So it may seem confusing to some when people say that they feel that their sexuality is fluid. But being sexually fluid doesn’t mean a person is confused. For a person to know and accept their sexuality as fluid, they must be self-aware. So let’s learn a little more about sexual fluidity.

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If you were to accept everything you heard about Latinas, you might think they were scheming and hypersexual, yet socially conservative women whose “equal educational opportunities” and “competitive purchasing power” signify their “arrival.” In fact, the lives of U.S. Latinas are much more nuanced than pundits, marketers, and producers would like to convince you.

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Person holding their finger to their lip, in a "shhh" motion

You’ve been told that you’re not strong enough, not smart enough, not aggressive enough. You’ve been told that these weaknesses and character flaws keep you from achieving certain things. And you’ve had more than enough of those lies. Here are some dangerous myths society has taught you. It’s time to get free and unlearn them, and this is a helpful start.

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