Have you ever smiled when you wanted to scream? This poet may not look like the false “angry Black woman” stereotype, but she’s not smiling because she’s happy. Find out why in this gorgeous spoken word piece, as Sabine Quetant shares the truth about the burden of facing the world’s misconceptions about her from the time she was a child. Check it out here.

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Fatphobia is so rampantly internalized that many people justify their attraction to fat people by comparing them to non-human objects. It turns the possibility of mutual desire and appreciation into fetish. In this spoken word performance, Samantha Peterson rejects the dehumanizing nuance of supposedly metaphorical compliments and reclaims her body’s agency, humanity, and beauty.

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So much of what we find attractive is determined by the media we consume. This media has presented a very particular definition of beauty, part of which is thinness. So how do we, as body-positive feminists, move past this generalized and restrictive definition of beauty and start to find the beauty in fat? Watch Golda Poretsky present some helpful hints and tips for beginning this process!

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The work of being a feminist doesn’t stop once we claim to be feminists. Years of socialization will not suddenly vanish from one’s mind or way of knowing and experiencing the world. So it’s important we be honest with ourselves about messages we’ve internalized, recognize our privilege, and question our assumptions in order to practice an inclusive, accountable, and progressive feminism.

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Unlike in the past, men are increasingly dealing with eating disorders and 40% of of people who binge eat are men. However many men do not seek treatment for fear of appearing weak, strange, or like less of a “man” and many health professionals fail to screen men for eating disorders as closely as needed. But a man who binge eats needs treatment and support just as a woman does.

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