Parents talking to their middle schooler

With the way young people today are so wired into the media, it’s no surprise that many parents are looking for advice after discovering their child looking at porn. Here are helpful recommendations for what to say to your middle schooler, what you can stop worrying about, and how you can make this communication as healthy, informative, and comfortable as possible.

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Person standing on a sidewalk, looking ahead seriously

Wonder why we talk about race so much? Here’s why anti-racism work isn’t separate from feminist work, but is actually a crucial component to it. These three examples show that we can’t begin to address the experiences of all women until we acknowledge race. Read on to learn more about how we can dismantle oppression by thinking of more than gender in our feminism.

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Trans men, like all people, need to know how to have fulfilling, safe, healthy sex to feel whole and good about ourselves. We deserve it (and don’t let anyone tell you differently). But most out trans boys, trans men, and trans masculine people I know receive inadequate, if not wholly non-existent, sex talks. So here are seven key places to start.

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Animosity over cultural differences can lead to anything from bully and stereotyping, to war and genocide. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We take in prejudice slowly and silently through socialization. But because we learn prejudice, we can also unlearn it. Here are a few ways you can fight oppression and practice communal harmony in your everyday life.

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Social media is a great facilitator for interaction with the media. But I have to be honest: some of my fellow Internet activists have their work cut out for them when it comes to their social networking rants, namely those critiquing pop culture. Here are some ideas to keep in mind the next time you need to type out a diatribe about the latest media sensation.

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It’s true that gender is a complex idea that means something different to every person. But this doesn’t give us much of an idea about how queer genders are experienced by people. It’s in every feminist’s best interest to listen and pay attention to trans people, so let’s explore some common ways gender is experienced by people in the trans community.

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Part of why we feel so scared to get help for having an eating disorder – to admit it to ourselves, to talk to other people about it, and to get professional help – is that there is a stigma around it. But we can’t let that stigma stop us from getting the help that we need. So let’s explore, together, what eating disorders are and how to get help for them.

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I have become so accustomed to calling myself fat – and fat being a word that I associate with pride and joy – that at times, I forget how radical (and scary) an act it truly is. And I think that when we make room for only the most radical people or the most radical vocabulary, we leave many people behind. So I explored this feeling through conversations with women about what other words they love in describing their big bodies.

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Our social movements have failed to reach a transformational level of change. In part, this is due to how we don’t address our own privilege or prioritize supporting and lifting up marginalized voices to the social change table. And until we do, our work will not achieve lasting structural changes – where those being impacted are leading the fight for their own communities, supported by allies.

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