Do you believe your communities are safe and welcoming for all? This comic shows some of the ways you can tell if not everyone feels that way. This practical information is vital to our understanding of why intersectionality is a priority. It’s not about you being a good or bad person, but having better tools – so here are the tools you need to create safer spaces.

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Silhouettes of raised hands against a gradient background of teal and sea green

For too long, the feminist movement has excluded too many people. And that hurts all of us. You might have learned about how oppression is connected and why solidarity is important, so here’s the next step – how to create actual inclusivity. From someone who’s fought for her own inclusion, learn what it takes to change how we do our work for a more equitable world.

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Most of us have had a shitty job or two. But how many of us have had to support ourselves fully – let alone support a family – on a job like this? There are a lot of people out there who have to do just that. They earn the minimum wage at a thankless job that is their only form of income. And that income is extremely low. Simply put, the minimum wage is too low and has been that way for too long.

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Star Wars logo

The Force Awakens is the most anticipated movie of 2015, and it’s essential that we make sure the next Star Wars installment gets it right. While racists have made their displeasure about the #blackstormtrooper known, we’re gearing up for the film with these six issues to correct. Use this list to call for a more inclusive galaxy, not a more racist, misogynistic one.

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My daughters are the most eye-opening experiences I’ve had in my 36 years of living. They’ve helped me to see both my potential and my limitations, and they’ve helped me to understand the need for deeper, more consistent dialogue around self-exploration and radical self-expression. These understandings have led to some pretty radical shifts in how the four of us choose to live.

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Do you know any single parents? Then you should know what’s hurtful and helpful to say to them. This mom has learned a lot about the judgments thrown at single parents, including well-intended words that cause harm. Find out what not to say to a single parent, and get ideas for how to offer support. Let’s help break the isolation and stigma single parents face.

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We often talk about how important consent is, but what, exactly, is consent? Here it is – a video from Lex Croucher covering the basics of what it means to consent to sexual activity. Rape, sexual assault, and coercion are far too common among all types of people. So spread the word, and let’s raise awareness of this clear understanding of consent. (Content Warning: Rape)

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