An apple with nutrition information on it

What do you picture when you think of health, fitness, and nutrition? Many of us envision a thin person because we’re socialized to visualize these things through a skewed lens. Here’s what we need to do to actually make healthy choices possible – and why we really need to stop fat-shaming and start taking on the systems exploiting and oppressing us all.

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Acknowledging privilege is difficult. It implicates you in the act of oppression, and very few want to think of themselves as oppressors. But if you dislike racism, yet do little — if anything — to resist it, you’re enabling racial oppression and benefitting from it. This not only harms people of color. It also harms white people and their humanity.

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There seems to be a disconnect between the reality of eating disorders, and what most people think is the reality of eating disorders. Our media misrepresents EDs so much that most people don’t recognize their complexity. Here to lay down the facts is Melissa A. Fabello! Whether you’re trying to learn more about EDs, or are feeling frustrated and alone, be sure to watch Melissa’s informative video.

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You judge people. But how many of the judgments that you make about other people based on appearances alone are likely to be accurate, kind, or worthwhile when they don’t meet the standards you place on yourself? If you’re someone who’s still struggling with these negative thoughts, here are some things to think about when it comes to judging and accepting body diversity.

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The premise is that women are their own worst enemies, focusing on their worst physical qualities. A sketch artist draws them based on their descriptions, then redraws them based on the description of others. When they see the side-by-side comparison, they realize that they’re more beautiful than they thought. That may sound inspiring, but it doesn’t work for a number of reasons. Here are five.

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How can we make feminist commitments this Father’s Day? This list of ideas ranges from the civic to the personal, the playful to the political, but each suggestion is geared so that feminism is at the heart of our families. Join us in making a commitment to take at least one action against patriarchy and misogyny in real life. Let us evolve fatherhood together.

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Two people coming together to form a heart with their hands

The tragic fatal police shooting of drummer Corey Jones is a terrible reminder of how vulnerable your black friends are to racist violence. You could be in a position to make it worse – and these guidelines will help you avoid that.

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