For all of us who are men who believe in social justice, who want healthy and beautiful lives for our loved ones, and who are working for positive change in the world, let us commit or re-commit to making feminism central in our lives, values, and actions. It is time for men in the millions to take courageous action in our society to further feminist revolution.

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Person holding out a bouquet of roses

Nice guys, we know you’re out there. Misogynistic Nice Guys™ have earned a bad reputation, but there’s a difference between them and men who are genuinely respectful. But did you know there’s also a difference between being nice and being an ally to women’s causes? Here’s what you need to know to avoid the unintentional sexism that can come with gender socialization.

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The patriarchy harms all people, regardless of gender identity, sex, or sexual orientation, by perpetuating oppressive and limiting gender roles, the gender binary, transphobia and cissexism, sexual assault, and the political and economic subordination of women. Watch Marina Watanabe discuss the pervasive and intricate ways patriarchy violates us all.

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Unfortunately, patriarchy still exists. And it often manifests in casual ways that tend to go unnoticed by the majority of people. And women aren’t the only ones who suffer under this everyday patriarchy. Everyone does. It limits their range of experiences and diminishes their worth as humans. This plays out in everyday life far more often than we realize.

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(Trigger warning: rape). Rolling Stone’s recent retraction of a story about campus rape was a disaster, and not for reasons you might think. Rape survivors already face way too many barriers when it comes to getting help, including the risk that they they won’t be believed. Check out this video for insight on why Rolling Stone’s handling of the situation just makes those barriers worse.

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Many times when wealthy people move into a low-income neighborhood, they truly want to help. Oftentimes, they even start community programs and become leaders in the community, often through beautification projects. And while I get why this seems to be good at first glance, it really isn’t. Gentrification hurts communities of color, and these are some of the ways how.

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