Feminism 101 Articles

3 Reasons Why Discord Within Feminism Is Actually a Good Thing

We Must Choose Revolution Over Privilege and Complacency – Here’s How I’m Doing It

Do You See These 10 Everyday Sexisms?

Labels: Empowering, Harmful, or Both?

Does Feminism Require Vegetarianism or Veganism?

6 Reasons Why We Need Safe Spaces

A collection of colorful buttons make a heart shape over a distressed teal table top

Why Love Is Important to Feminist Work (And 3 Ways to Practice It)

5 Simple Ways Men Can Better Respect Women

Two people standing close together appear to be engaged in a discussion – one with their hand raised, lecturing the other whose arms are folded with one hand touching their cheek.

6 Signs Your Call-Out Isn’t Actually About Accountability

Against a chalkboard background, there is a suit. Instead of a head, there is a question mark written in chalk.

Can Men Be Feminists? And 9 Other FAQs We Often Get from Men

A white tampon agains a light purple background

4 Ways to Make Your Period-Positivity More Inclusive

What Men Really Mean When They Cat Call

Person in a pink shirt is holding up a sign that reads "Down with Men! Up with Feminism!" The image is crossed out in black.

Feminism Isn’t About Man-Hating, Even Though Some Feminists Hate Men – Let This Analogy Explain

Silhouette of a person looking down, against a sunset

3 Sexist Ideas About Women’s Roles That Impact the Way We Treat Them as Survivors

Breaking Down the Problem with Mansplaining (And Other Forms of Privileged Explaining)

10 ‘Debating’ Tactics You Find on Facebook That Are Really Just Oppressive BS

7 Tips for Breastfeeding Success That No One Tells You About

6 Magical Lessons We Can Learn From Harry Potter in Our Work for Social Justice

Why ‘What Does Your Tattoo Mean?’ Is a Bigger Question Than You Might Think

The Top 5 Feminist Conspiracies (According to Our Trolls)

10 Not-So-Feminist Things We Feminists Do in Comments Sections

A yellow sign on a pole says "Warning"

When You Oppose Trigger Warnings, You’re Really Saying These 8 Things

The Decline of Democracy in the US – In One Unsettling Graph

An Open Letter to the Men Who Still Don’t Understand Street Harassment

Do These 4 Feminist FAQs Have You Stumped? Get Some Answers Here

Tired of Toxicity in Your Activist Community? Address These 6 Issues

30 Ways To Be a Better Ally in 2015

Why We Need More Positive Representations of Women in Sports Media and How We Can Support Them

A person lowers their glasses and looks at the viewer skeptically.

8 Causes You Should Really Care About If You’re Truly ‘Pro-Life’

Can Women Self-Objectify?