Feminism 101 Articles

A white tampon agains a light purple background

4 Ways to Make Your Period-Positivity More Inclusive

Prison bars are made into a barcode, insinuating that prisoners are products of a system

3 Reasons Prison Injustice Is a Feminist Issue That Needs Our Attention Now

Thinking Critically About Problematic Media: A Basic How-To Guide

What You’re Really Saying When You Call Me a Bitch

Two children holding hands

How to Teach Consent to Kids in 5 Simple Steps

Diversity Is Not A Certificate: How to Dismantle Oppression at Your Work Place

4 Reasons I’m So Done with Being Told to ‘Not Be Too Picky’ About Dates

7 Reasons Why Patriarchy Is Bad (And Feminism Is Good) For Men

Why Feminism Can Be Scary for Some Women

Spend Money Like an Activist: A Guide for Politically Conscious Buying

4 Uncomfortable Thoughts You May Have When Facing Your Privilege

3 Reasons to Find a Better Term Than ‘-Phobia’ to Describe Oppression

Group of young people, smiling

My Feminism Is Black, Intersectional, and Womanist – And I Refuse to Be Left Out of the Movement

Cartoon depicting one distraught person of color in a room full of happy white people

If We Divide, We Don’t Conquer: 3 Reasons Why Feminists Need to Talk About Race

18 Things Orthodox Jewish Feminists Are Tired of Being Told

5 Reasons Why ‘First-World’ Feminism Isn’t Actually Trivial

‘Ally’ Is More Than a Label — It’s an Action

Abortion Is a Real Experience, Not a Political Tool

Black Folk Don’t: Do Feminism

True Solidarity: Moving Past Privilege Guilt

Adults Just Don’t Understand: Checking Out Our Everyday Adultism

3 Reasons Why Discord Within Feminism Is Actually a Good Thing

Oppression Olympics: The Games We Shouldn’t Be Playing

Feminism’s Not Just for White Women – And This is the Perfect Pizza Metaphor to Show Why

Do You See These 10 Everyday Sexisms?

Soldiers No More in the War Against Women: A Call to Men

Black shirt with "#MENINIST" written across the front in white against a red background

Let’s Talk About the Reality of the “Men’s Rights” Argument

3 Reasons Why Being Anti-Racist Isn’t Code for Being Anti-White

Pile of "Hello, my name is _____" labels

8 Ways to Show Respect for Someone’s Name Change

Person standing on a sidewalk, looking ahead seriously

3 Important Examples of Why Our Feminism Demands Anti-Racism