LGBTQIA Articles

Let’s Be Real, Mainstream LGBTQIA+ Organizations Aren’t Really Showing Up For QTPOC. Here’s What They Need To Do Now

Person looking thoughtfully into the camera

Coming Out as Genderqueer Non-Binary (Outside Of and Within the Queer Community)

5 Ways to Maintain Your Queer Identity in a Relationship People Read as Straight

How Non-Binary Identities Show What Society Gets Wrong About Gender

5 Quick Definitions to Help Expand Your Understanding of Sexuality and Gender

A Super Clever Answer to the Inadequate Question of ‘Male or Female?’

How Queerness Erased Bisexuality

I’m Trans, But I’m Not…

Queer woman of color looking despondent

‘Don’t Make Us Look Bad’: The Invisibility of LGBTQIA+ Intimate Partner Violence

3 Truths About Love and Sex I Discovered While Dating as an Asian Trans Femme

Fists are in the air, overlayed with a rainbow flag

5 Battles the LGBTQIA+ Movement Needs to be Fighting (Beyond Marriage Equality)

3 Ways You Might Be Marginalizing Disabled Asexual People (And What to Do About It)

My Period and Me: A Trans Guy’s Guide to Menstruation

9 Ways the Media Can Stop Shutting Out Trans Voices

The Problem with Talking About Canada As a Utopia

3 Issues That Impact the Mental Health of LGBTQIA+ Youth

What Being Non-Binary in Female-Centric Spaces Is Like – And How to Be More Inclusive

One younger person in the forefront, looking concerned; two older people are in the background, watching them.

3 Reasons Queer Asians Can’t Discard Their Families – And Why They Don’t Have to

The Whole Truth of Coming Out of the Closet – In Comic Form

5 Tips for Being a Proactive Ally

3 Reasons We Need to Be Critical of Sex Positivity in Queer Spaces

Don’t Say Identity Labels Put Me In a Box – It’s More Like a Garden!

5 Reasons We Need Gender Conscious Responses to Climate Change

Coming Out As Trans*

Silver Christian cross with small diamonds on wooden background

5 Ways to Reclaim Your Christianity After Coming Out as Queer

A person leaning against a wall with their arms crossed, in thought

5 Harmful Myths the Ethically Non-Monogamous Community Needs to Address

2014: The LGBTQ Year In Review

No, There’s No Such Thing As a ‘Bad Bisexual’

Struggles You Only Discover in Your First Queer Relationship

A typical "woman" sign and a typical "man" sign are blending together

3 Ways Gender and Sexuality Are More Fluid Than We Think