LGBTQIA Articles

Books lined up on a shelf in order by color, creating a rainbow

5 Books Written by Queer and Trans Women That Set Me Free

4 Reasons Why Men Joke About Gay Rape

Sh*t People Say to Asexuals

A couple sits together, looking series

You’re Not Broken If You’re Not Interested in Sex – But These 3 Social Lies Probably Make You Feel That Way

The Ones We Left Behind: On Being An Ally To Small Town Queers

6 Reasons Why Being Called a Cis Person Is Not ‘Oppressive’

A handheld mirror lays against a table with cut-out red paper hearts strewn about

4 Affirmations for Women Learning to Love Their Transness

5 Ways Amatonormativity Sets Harmful Relationship Norms For Us All

5 Ways the Way We Talk About Grindr Upholds Thin Privilege and Body Fascism

Quiz: Which Of These Guys Are Gay?

6 Tips for Marginalized People Looking for a Good Therapist

3 Reflections on the Intersection of Black and Gay

If Lesbians Said What Straight People Say

Stop Being So Attached!: A Beginner’s Guide on Problematic Language

Top 10 Myths About Transgender People

8 Ways Allies Can Show Up For the Queer Community After Orlando

What Happens If You’re Genderqueer  — But Your Native Language Is Gendered?

What Does It Mean When a Boy Says He Loves You?

Here’s How We Can Center Queer & Trans Survivors In The #MeToo Movement

How I Exposed 5 BS Social Norms That Almost Stopped Me from Traveling the World

A person wearing a gray beanie and a tank top smiles, their hand resting against their cheek.

What Does Multigender Mean? 10 Questions You May Be Afraid to Ask – Answered

Stuff Cis People Say to Trans People

4 Ways I’ve Managed To Affirm My Gender Through Fashion

6 Free or Affordable Tips for Intersex People Trying to Get By

These Trans People and Their Partners Just Made Our Day with Their Love Stories

Patricia Arquette’s Heart Is In the Right Place and We Still Need To Call Her In

Queer and Trans Latinx Speak Up and Out About Love, Life, and Family

A stack of colorful notes are stacked on top of one another. The note on the top of the stack has a question mark on it.

3 Differences Between the Terms ‘Gay’ and ‘Queer’ — and Why It Matters

Coming Out As Queer Is Even More Complicated For A Fat Person

3 Ways You Might Be Marginalizing Disabled Asexual People (And What to Do About It)