LGBTQIA Articles

Self-Check: Holding Ourselves and Our Communities Accountable

Here are 12 Trans Folks Whose Transformative Work You Should Know About

6 Ways to Help Support Queer Women’s Media

Why the Left Isn’t As Trans-Friendly As You Might Think

Person holding their head in frustration

5 Myths People Believe About Aromanticism That Just Aren’t True

5 Ways Amatonormativity Sets Harmful Relationship Norms For Us All

Against a yellow background is written in white, "Genderqueer?"

Your Top 10 Questions About Being Genderqueer Answered

3 Ways To Decolonize Your Nonprofit As Told By A Black Queer Feminist Organizer

Gender and Sexuality Labels Are Complicated – And Here’s Why They’re Still Valid

Bills, Bills, Bills: The Oppressive Price of Being Trans

10 Things I Wished I’d Known When I Started My Transition

You Can Still Be Transgender If You Don’t Feel Physical Dysphoria – Here’s Why

Why I’m Confused About My Sexuality – And It’s Okay If You Are, Too

What Does It Mean to Be Intersex? 4 People Generously Let You Know

A blue cupcake with an "It's a Boy!" sign next to a pink cupcake with an "It's a Girl!" sign

11 Situations You Take for Granted Every Day That Prove the World Is Cissexist

Black, Out, and Tired of Casual Homophobia

Silhouette of a person against a yellow-orange background

4 Ways to Center Trans Women in Reproductive Justice

Why You Need to Start Including Disabled People in Your Healthcare Activism

6 Affirmations for Trans Folks Who Don’t Feel ‘Trans Enough’

This ‘Bisexual Makeup Tutorial’ Hilariously Takes Down Stereotypes

Let’s Be Clear – My Gender Identity Is Harmless

What Is Graysexuality?

Asexuality: Life Without Sexual Attraction

5 Ways To Create a Femme Friendly Workplace

A golden microphone sits on a stand.

8 Critical Things to Remember When Booking a Trans Performer

Why Coming Out Isn’t For Everyone

Before Anyone Messes With Her Family, She Has This to Say About Homophobia

Trans Women Are Not Drag Queens

5 Ways to Be Intersectional in the Fight Against Imposter Syndrome

Celebrating Butch: A Powerful Photo Collection on Female Masculinity