Young person looking toward the camera in a sunny room

Have people tried to define your race, make assumptions about your identity, or call you “racially ambiguous?” Your race is yours to determine. In a society that invalidates multiracial identities, reclaiming your identity is both an act of preservation and a political act. So here are some affirmations to help you come back to your own skin, your own identity, your own self.

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Person standing on a sidewalk, looking ahead seriously

Wonder why we talk about race so much? Here’s why anti-racism work isn’t separate from feminist work, but is actually a crucial component to it. These three examples show that we can’t begin to address the experiences of all women until we acknowledge race. Read on to learn more about how we can dismantle oppression by thinking of more than gender in our feminism.

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It’s clear that many white people in the United States still don’t understand how fundamentally different life is for people of color. Asserting their own “colorblindness,” most tend to think that racism is limited to organizations like the KKK. But less publicized forms of racism continue to be expressed in everyday ways throughout the US. And it’s a problem.

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Character assassination, stalking, rape and death threats — all directed at women in the video game industry. Where is this deep hatred coming from? Who does it affect? And what can be done about it? These are questions that deserve answers. Instead of ignoring the problem, as it has been ignored before, we have a duty to investigate this war on women in gaming.

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There’s never a shortage of discord within the feminist community. These internal disagreements are often spoken about as being negative. But what if we collectively decided that disagreement isn’t inherently bad? I’m here to argue that we need difference of opinion within the feminist community — both for the good of the movement, and for the end of oppression.

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We must get in touch with our cultural heritage to understand our stake in ending White Supremacy through a connection to what we lost, but we also have to understand and remain accountable to the privileges that Whiteness affords us every day. In some ways, this is a complex tension to hold. Because while not all White people are bad, Whiteness surely is.

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I’m tired of hearing, “I don’t see race.” The thing is, if you really don’t see race at all, it doesn’t make much difference to the people whose livelihoods, cultures, and identities are all affected by racial inequality. If you’re someone who’s having trouble seeing race, here are three things to start paying attention to so you can see it a little more clearly.

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