We want to live in a world where every person (and we mean every single person) is treated with respect, directs their own lives, and reaches their full potential. We want this to be true for every woman, man, adult, child, black, Asian, Latino, indigenous, white, gay, lesbian, transgender, straight, poor, rich, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, disabled, able…

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Person looking into camera and winking, with their arms bent up and their hands behind their head, against a gray wall

Even when you’re intentional about anti-racist work, you’ll make mistakes. That’s normal, but there’s a difference between a sincere mistake and a lack of effort. It’s up to you to make an effort to unlearn oppressive attitudes, and you can’t just rely on someone else to cure you of your racism. Here’s why – with basic steps you can take to make a big difference.

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I never really used to give much thought to the idea that society needs positive cultural images of minorities until I came to embrace my Hispanic heritage and come out of the closet. When I finally did, it raised the question: Where the hell are the transgender Latinas? Is it true that there really aren’t very many Latina/Hispanic trans women in this country?

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Halloween is about glorifying all things spooky, but the scariest thing is how rampant racism is. This year, try asking yourself these questions to avoid perpetuating stereotypes and racist attitudes.

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