Person holding out a bouquet of roses

Nice guys, we know you’re out there. Misogynistic Nice Guys™ have earned a bad reputation, but there’s a difference between them and men who are genuinely respectful. But did you know there’s also a difference between being nice and being an ally to women’s causes? Here’s what you need to know to avoid the unintentional sexism that can come with gender socialization.

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A person sitting in a waiting room has their hand on their head and their tie loosened in frustration and exhaustion

We all know the ways well-meaning white people aren’t intentionally racist, and we get it – it’s tough to feel like part of the problem. But everyone should know these ways that even the most “well-intended” white person can participate in and benefit from racism. Learn what to do after acknowledging your privilege (hint: don’t hate yourself, just be accountable).

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An essential ingredient in all recipes for social justice is self-determination: the ability to author your own life. To be the subject, rather than the object, of your life. And yet the denial of youths’ right to self-determine is as old as civilization itself. So how can you recognize and push back against adultism in your everyday life? Read on to find out.

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When we pair the entitlement that men too often feel with the everyday misogyny that women face, we have a dangerous combination. And we cannot expect women to be the only ones leading men to change. If we do, then we are surely contributing to the wider problem. So here are 10 simple ways that men can combat sexist entitlement in public.

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How can we make feminist commitments this Father’s Day? This list of ideas ranges from the civic to the personal, the playful to the political, but each suggestion is geared so that feminism is at the heart of our families. Join us in making a commitment to take at least one action against patriarchy and misogyny in real life. Let us evolve fatherhood together.

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iPhone with a speech bubble, reading "#Activism"

We – as social justice activists – need to explore beyond thinking of the very large and very public demonstrations as the sole means of radical change. Who is included in our idea of “activists?” In which ways are we unintentionally excluding folks in this vision? What other platforms are activists using to raise awareness about injustice? Let’s talk about it.

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