Why do so many straight girls think being seen as a lesbian is an insult? Unpacking the driving social forces behind the fear shows how we’ve been taught to cater to the male gaze. Here’s how to break the cycle, de-condition yourself from patriarchal beliefs about femininity, and eradicate lesbophobia and queerphobia among women. As long as you’re happy in your own skin, rock on.

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Self-care is a revolutionary act when living in a world that tells us we—especially those of us with marginalized identities—are not worthy of care, forgiveness, and gentleness. It allows us to fight back against oppression by affirming that yes, we do deserve to feel good. We are inherently worthy of care and attention, and we shouldn’t feel guilty for it.

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As male feminists, it’s easy to criticize the misogyny of the MRAs. But how often do we turn the lens around? There are stories from every era of the feminism — stories of men talking the talk of feminism, gaining trust, and using that trust to hurt, abuse, and act in profoundly anti-feminist ways. Here are six things we need to do starting right now to fight this.

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“She doesn’t make a good witness.” I will never forget those words. This was one of the first instances that made me take a serious look at my privilege as an able-bodied person. It took seeing a survivor of a violent crime being told that she would never see justice because of her disability. This is a serious problem. So how can we work to solve it?

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It’s no secret that money is exchanged at uncomfortably high rates throughout the US, and the more politically savvy among us might begin to wonder how our dollars can make a difference for social change. Thankfully, several effective strategies exist for us to pick and choose from, depending on our own personal situations and how we want to activate a plan.

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Typically, we only discuss sexism in terms of gender, but it also has applicability to biases related to sexuality. Monosexism is synonymous with bi/panphobia in many ways because it perpetuates the myth that a person can only truly be attracted to one gender. But someone’s sexuality is not a tool for you to reassert your own social legitimacy at the expense of others.

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Being poor and supporting a family of five on under $30,000 has taught me that stereotypes about the poor, created by dominant culture, foster a climate of fear, shame, and embarrassment in those who do their best to deny their poverty. But being broke is nothing to be ashamed of. What is shameful is that so many are degraded by precisely those who rely upon their labor.

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One red figure raising its hand among a group of gray figures

Self-determination – making your own choices – is so important. But let’s be careful about the difference between self-determination from a colonial perspective and how it’s defined in Indigenous struggles. If we don’t, it can be used to actively perpetuate marginalization and hurt disabled people. Here’s how you can take up self-determination in a justice framework.

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Call outs can be too punishing in nature, creating an oppressive culture marred by a fear of making missteps. According to many critics, modern activism is increasingly becoming a space devoid of vigorous discussion or differences of opinion. They have a point. Oftentimes, those characterizing call out culture as silencing and toxic just don’t want…

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