A dinner set-up: A white plate with a heart-shaped pillow on it, a fork and knife tied up with a red ribbon, against a wooden table

Dear partner, I understand that you don’t understand what it’s like to have an eating disorder, and I know that you’re not trying to trigger me. But if you really want this relationship to work, we’re going to need to talk about my eating disorder recovery. Because eating disorder recovery affects all aspects of a person’s life, and I need you to work with me on this.

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Two people on a date, paying the bill

What do you think about before a date? You might plan for what you’ll say or wear. But what about who will pay? Here’s how common ideas about money and love relate to assumptions about gender and sexuality. We should be free to create connections that value our full selves. Get tips for thinking more about who pays for a date, and lose the patriarchal dating script.

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What’s it’s like to date a feminist? Here’s an honest interview with someone who knows: boyfriend of self-described part-time feminist vlogger, full-time sass machine Marina Watanabe. Even if you’re familiar with feminist dating, you’ll want to catch his hilarious answers to her hard-hitting questions and get a little more enlightened about everyday feminist life.

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From mean jokes to harassment, single women are subject to a particular kind misogyny in American society. The message is clear: We still believe women should prioritize marriage and motherhood over everything else. Demanding a woman’s life to follow this trajectory is another way of saying “I know what’s good for you better than you do.” And that’s oppressive.

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Yellow fever. Exotification. Asian fetish. Racism. Our sexist and racist society has a long history of teaching white straight guys to fixate on Asian women in inappropriate and — frankly — offensive ways. That’s not to say that it’s impossible to date an Asian woman without being problematic, but there are some normalized things you should avoid saying. Here are just a few!

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Some people claim that love is (color)blind. But it hasn’t even been 50 years since laws prohibiting interracial relationships were outlawed, and the effects of that history are still in play today. So how do people navigate this history of tension, privilege, and oppression when they’re also trying to date each other? Here are some ways to approach the topic.

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Walking through the world as a fat woman has its own challenges. But when you’re a fat woman who’s dating someone with a thin, more socially acceptable body — someone people don’t think you deserve — well, that’s something else. Watch Rachel Wiley express some of the honest thoughts and anxieties that come with being loved by a skinny boy in this spoken word performance.

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It was the summer of 2006. I met Ben at the movie theater where we both worked. He seemed somewhat uncomfortable in his skin, but, hell, so was I. Eventually, I became acutely more aware of Ben’s extreme insecurity and unhealthy habits. At the time, I naively thought my words and support alone could help him. But I didn’t know then what I know now.

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People in queer relationships are often subjected to a barrage of ignorance from the straight community. The most annoying is: “Who’s the man and who’s the woman?” Ah yes, because as queer-identified people, the first thing we want you to do is shoehorn normative gender roles into our relationship! But believe it or not, it’s none of your business.

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I didn’t identify as a feminist when I first met my partner seven years ago. But as I became more comfortable identifying as a feminist, I began to feel wary about coming out as a feminist to one of the closest people in my life – my partner. Feminism likely changed your perception of the world and yourself, so share your new perspective. Feminism is a conversation. Don’t be afraid to start one.

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I am proud to be an Asian woman and to look the way that I do. My issue with being an Asian woman and trying to date has less to do with my perception of myself, and everything to do with the way I am treated and perceived by men, specifically non-Asian men. Settling for being treated like nothing more than an exotic souvenir gets really old really fast.

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I won’t lie: Being in a multicultural relationship has many challenges. You need to have an open mind and be willing to do things “the other way” when necessary. Yet attraction, love, and understanding are ultimately the only things a couple needs to survive. My relationship – like most relationships – is all about embracing the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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I’m a virgin. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with this, assuming that it’s your choice. Where it starts to be a problem is when you recognize that you possess and want to express these desires, and society denies them. Worse, society deems you undesirable and ascribes a complete and total sexual absence to you and your entire community at large, with few exceptions.

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