Three bras – one pink, one powder blue, one taupe – hang on a line by clothes pins

Boobs are great, but forgetting there’s a person behind them is not. As in the case of one reader, there are times when comments on our bodies (yes, even from loved ones) are unwarranted, unnecessary, and marginalizing. And there are painful consequences to objectifying body parts associated with womanhood. To help explain why, here’s what’s not okay about these comments.

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I was raised to believe that I should only be with one person. Anything else wasn’t moral. But when you don’t know that it’s your birthright to love and express your emotions in whatever way your heart desires, how is one supposed to discover that there are infinite choices? I stumbled across the world of polyamory five years ago, and it has forever altered the way I see my connection with others.

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It goes without saying that dating as a feminist is no easy feat. The dating compromises that one makes along the way can feel deeply at odds with your personal feminist politics. It can feel like you’re betraying feminism. But there are helpful ways to frame these challenges, and relieve some headache and heartache. Here are three of my tips to dating as a feminist.

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Person looking at their phone in frustration

It’s a go-to romcom staple: Boy likes girl, but girl doesn’t like him back. The determined boy will then spend the movie trying to convince the girl to give him a chance. And although audiences are supposed to cheer him on, the truth of the matter is that this trope actually portrays stalking behavior. And when we show stalking as romantic, we start blurring lines.

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