It’s the holidays, and invariably friends have started to bemoan the expected weight gain. Here’s what I say – Eat when you’re hungry. Stop when you’re full. Don’t reward or punish yourself for eating or not. Stop pouring money into the diet industry whose goal is make us feel insecure. And instead let’s take all that energy and start fixing some sh*t.

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This spoken word piece is called “Unsolicited Advice.” And maybe you didn’t ask for this message, but these words are what every girl and woman needs to hear. Through struggles of abuse, familial mental illness, and racism, Tonya Ingram finds her voice. And in this championship-clinching piece, she’ll show you how, sharing powerful words in spite of unspeakable pain.

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Some of the most common victim-blaming lines refer specifically to clothing: “What was she wearing?” “With that outfit, she was asking for it.” It’s as if people don’t realize that people communicate with words, not with clothing. Check out this tongue-in-cheek imagining of what the world would be like if people were only able to communicate via clothing.

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Sex education in this country is unfortunately lacking. Sexologist Lindsey Doe is doing her part to change that! In this video, she explains the functions and purposes of what she refers to as “sex shields.” Watch Dr. Doe demonstrate how to use dams, in-condoms, and out-condoms in a way that is sex-positive, gender-inclusive, informative, and helpful!

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I have three kids — 15, 18, and 20 — and none of them has gotten pregnant, impregnated anyone, or gotten an STD (at least, as far as I know). And they talk to me about lots of things, including sex. Sometimes too much. If you want to achieve the same kind of open dialogue I have with my spawn, here are my eight tips for how to talk to your kids about sex.

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Boys will always be boys. What kind of boys they are, is up to us parents. Unfortunately, most boys and girls are exactly the types of children our society wants them to be. As brave as we need our children to be, that example must be set by us. Society as a whole, however, still encourages the “Boys will be boys, and girls will be girls” mentality.

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