The “War on Women” is a war on me, but I’m not a woman. I’m trans, and I am personally affected by anti-choice legislation. Changing the cis-nomative atmosphere is difficult, but there are some steps that individuals and organizations can take to improve this lack of intersectionality. Women, after all, aren’t the only people who need access to abortions.

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I write this to speak to transgender men who love, desire, and have sex with other men (cis and trans). I write to you with a request. It is not common to discuss the homophobia that exists within our trans men and queer boi communities, especially among those of us who are of color. So brothers, please let’s talk about it now before it’s too late.

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Ameena didn’t want to be a “good Arab girl” – virginal and submissive. So she moved across the globe to where she would be more free. And then found herself being slut-shamed.

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There are certain things people say to queer women over and over again that they just shouldn’t — and straight women do this, too. We think that women can’t oppress other women, but it’s entirely possible. And we need to talk more about it. So, here are five things straight women shouldn’t say when talking to queer women. And yes, we’ve heard them all before.

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Society isn’t very nice to vaginas. From a very young age, we’re taught that vaginas are somehow bad or wrong or dirty. But the fact is: Vaginas are the objects of a cultural hate-fest. What if we could fight back against that hate, through sex- and body-positivity, and turn haters into lovers? We can. But first, we have to understand where vagina hate comes from.

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Although they do a majority of their learning through observation of their peers in social situations, children’s groundwork for understanding gender is largely influenced by the adults they see in their family systems. If you don’t talk about gender, children will learn society’s gender model. Here are five ways to facilitate your child’s gender autonomy.

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Thanks to medical advances, HIV is not a death sentence as it used to be. Yet ignorance about HIV/AIDS continues to lead to stigmatization of people with the disease and the testing associated with it. This needs to stop and it needs to be seen as moral-neutral as cancer so more people will be proactive about their health – not too ashamed to understand it.

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