Jenna Marbles posted a video expressing her opinions about women who she referred to as “sluts.” In a response to this, popular vlogger Hayley Hoover explains how the video could negatively affect Jenna’s audience of primarily young women. Watch Hayley explain how setting up a dichotomy between “sluts” and “regular girls” leads to rape, and the internalization of blame on the part of rape victims.

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Erin McKelle argues that part of the reason why people are so bad at getting consent is because they don’t know what consent looks like. So what does consent look like, and how does it work? Well, for one thing, let’s talk about the importance of enthusiasm when it comes to consent in that it shows actual interest in sex, rather than complacency.

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Before we can think about whether or not we’ve ever experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, we need to become familiar with different definitions and forms of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is intimidation of a sexual nature. It is any type of unwelcome sexual advance, from a crude joke to aggressive sexual bullying. And there are actions that you can take against it.

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Steubenville is a horrific example of the bystander effect. But what if your kid is a bystander to teasing, to name calling, to social ostracizing – behaviors that some refer to as “kids being kids?” Have you addressed that? Are you sure you’ve modeled the proper way not to stand by? Let’s look at some ways parents might inadvertently be supporting bystanders.

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The search for one’s own definition of what it means to be a man is an important part of maturity for young men. Many men look to popular culture for what male behavior is supposed to be and how we’re supposed to display it. But male-oriented advertising too often uses hyper-masculine images to sell products. Let’s take a look at just what they’re selling.

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No one wants to think about the sexual abuse of children, particularly involving their own kids. But it’s a devastating reality that too many children face, and we help no one when we avoid it. We must be educated in order to be prepared to help the survivors – your kids, your nieces and nephews, your friends’ kids. So here’s a breakdown of what is it and what to do if a child is being abused.

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As social creatures, we thrive in community and rely on each other for our very survival and use empathy to connect and build that community. But we train empathy out of our bodies by shielding our eyes to what we do not want to see – ignoring the raw humanity and need that is right in front of us, that would make us ache if we would only let it. This has an impact on us as individuals and as a community.

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When women write about feminism, some men threaten them with rape and murder, call them “man-haters,” verbally abuse them, and more. But men’s online harassment of women seems to go unquestioned, even defended, in most circles. So it’s not enough for me to simply not harass women myself – if I don’t raise my voice when I see this, I’m letting the Limbaughs be the lone voices of my gender.

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While there are many glaring examples of rape culture, there’s also a covert nature to rape culture that often goes unnoticed. We must also look beyond the overt ways in which rape apologia exists and recognize exactly how it sneaks into our everyday life. So let’s look at some pervasive and normalized parts of society that contribute to it and what you can do about it in your life.

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The “gray area” we have come to know as an inevitable part of sex is a product of our culture’s unhealthy approach to sex. But this murky confusion does not have to and should not exist. We need to talk openly about the “gray area” myth and how it plays out in order to recognize instances in which consent is being assumed where it does not exist and in order to have truly consensual sexual experiences.

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There are certain things people say to queer women over and over again that they just shouldn’t — and straight women do this, too. We think that women can’t oppress other women, but it’s entirely possible. And we need to talk more about it. So, here are five things straight women shouldn’t say when talking to queer women. And yes, we’ve heard them all before.

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A lot of ignorance exists around sex and disability, especially regarding media portrayals involving providers of commercial sex.The problem lies in the way it’s presented, encouraging the audience to gawk and giggle. At the end of the day, no one is actually meant to perceive disabled people as desirable. So yes, getting laid is awesome, but it isn’t the end-all, be-all for everyone.

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