Thinspiration — images created and used to inspire its consumers to be thin — is now plastered all over every social media website. It isn’t confined to the realm of eating disorders anymore. It’s mainstream. And yet we’re not talking to consumers about it. But how do we talk to our friends, children, and students about it without being at war with them? Here’s a place to start.

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Fatphobia is real, and fat acceptance activism is seriously needed. In a culture where systematic oppression against fat bodies exists, fat is absolutely a feminist issue. But in case you’re still dubious, here are five facts about our fatphobic society to serve as a guide for the disbelievers.

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The idea that intimate partner violence occurs in lesbian relationships may seem ridiculous. But this belief isn’t only false; it’s damaging. It can prevent lesbians from seeking help when they are in an abusive relationship. After all, who’s going to believe them? Here are four myths about IPV in lesbian relationships that can prevent women from seeking help.

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“What has feminism actually accomplished?” We get this question from skeptics a lot. Here’s Cristen Conger with some notable feminist achievements from the last few years. What would you add to the list?

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