Everywhere we turn, there are voices telling us what’s wrong with our bodies. We hear them every time we watch an advertisement for a beauty product. They’re the voices of strangers, coworkers, and sometimes they’re the voices of our friends and families. But what happens if you stop listening to all of these voices? Kat Lazo has some thoughts on the matter!

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To others, it was strange that as a young kid, I would often sit for hours with only the thoughts in my head. Over time, I saw how easy it was to become consumed by my thoughts and feelings, letting them take over. A lot of the back and forth wasn’t so nice, and I could get mad at myself for almost anything. So what I want to address is how NOT to get stuck in uneasy emotions.

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It seems that every year around this time, I get gazillions of e-mails from folks who are nervous about the holidays. Explaining to your family that you don’t want to know the number of calories in pecan pie, or that – yes – you have put on a little weight, and it’s totally okay, may not be your idea of a fun holiday. So what can you do to survive through it? I’ve got some ideas.

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Social media trends change as rapidly as the technology itself, and we need to make sure that our dialogue with teens about body image and self-esteem (dialogue that includes listening) is changing just as rapidly. Because the Facebook Generation is the next generation of thinkers, leaders, parents, and activists. They’ll be the ones changing the world. And we need them to be fully present in it!

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Everyday I’m reminded that others see me as the caricature of a young single mother. Most days, these messages only fuel me to silently and efficiently demonstrate the falsehoods in these stereotypes. But sometimes, it sinks in and I can’t breathe. But somehow when I finish my yoga practice, I am able to overcome those thoughts and prevent an anxiety attack. I can breathe again and give thanks.

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I’ve spent a lot of time and effort removing myself from body disparagement zones and have gotten comfortable with the idea that people can look like anything and it’s all good. Until I am reminded how many people out there live in a state of perpetual self-denial, self-denigration, and self-destruction just because of their fat. It is to those fat girls and to all of us who need a refresher course in body acceptance that I offer these Ten Rules.

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Known as “reverse retouching,” editors are now adding strategically, meticulously placed curves to create idealized hourglass figures on otherwise small, thin frames. We’re all for breaking out of the trap of thin ideals being used to sell EVERYTHING. But is Photoshopping to add “curves” a step in the right direction? Absolutely, undoubtedly, without question, NO. Here’s why.

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Some women (and men) derive tremendous joy from makeup, and to them I say, continue on your merry way. But if your make-up use is driven by fear that what you were born with is not enough, that if only your lashes were longer, or your lips pinker, then people would be better to you and good things would happen – to hell with that. You’re way too cool for that.

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