Because of cultural stigma, political barriers, economic difficulty, and anti-abortion bullies who threaten of violence or exposure, choosing to end a pregnancy can be a difficult and traumatic. But for so many, it’s a necessary act of self-efficacy. Read this article to learn how to best support your friend who is considering an abortion.

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A person scratches their head in confusion

Men can make positive contributions to feminism, but are there drawbacks to celebrating men just for calling themselves feminists? This author grappled with his own relationship to feminism as he wondered what it means to hold feminist men accountable. Find out how he learned that contributing to the movement means so much more than just calling himself a feminist.

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Racialized sexism sneaks into spaces that claim to have the best interests of women and People of Color at heart. Dealing with racialized sexism means dealing with the fact that every person holds multiple political and social identities that blend and intersect. Therefore, assuming that all experiences of sexism are just variations of the same thing is a mistake.

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Our society, and in particular our media, often make Asian-American men out to be “not manly enough” and “too feminine” – by virtue of their race. This is not just racist but also patriarchal. But the thing is, Asian-American men are — believe it or not — like other human beings. They’re diverse and complex. So let’s uncover some of the most common lies.

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“I just don’t get along with girls. They’re all so catty and bitchy.” Chances are, you’ve heard that before. But have you ever thought about the implications of saying this? Watch as Angelina LB discusses the absurdity of writing off an entire group of people, the hypocrisy involved when it’s a group you’re a part of, and how internalized sexism only breeds further sexism.

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Person holding their finger to their lip, in a "shhh" motion

You’ve been told that you’re not strong enough, not smart enough, not aggressive enough. You’ve been told that these weaknesses and character flaws keep you from achieving certain things. And you’ve had more than enough of those lies. Here are some dangerous myths society has taught you. It’s time to get free and unlearn them, and this is a helpful start.

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Can I kindly ask that you stop asking me when I’m getting married? It’s more than just annoying – asking a woman when she’s settling down actually perpetuates some pretty messed up messages we get from society. Here are six reasons to ditch that question and stop pushing people into the predetermined life path we (or society) deem fit for them.

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This spoken word piece is called “Unsolicited Advice.” And maybe you didn’t ask for this message, but these words are what every girl and woman needs to hear. Through struggles of abuse, familial mental illness, and racism, Tonya Ingram finds her voice. And in this championship-clinching piece, she’ll show you how, sharing powerful words in spite of unspeakable pain.

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