Social media trends change as rapidly as the technology itself, and we need to make sure that our dialogue with teens about body image and self-esteem (dialogue that includes listening) is changing just as rapidly. Because the Facebook Generation is the next generation of thinkers, leaders, parents, and activists. They’ll be the ones changing the world. And we need them to be fully present in it!

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More and more people are becoming aware of how horrifically animals are treated, particularly at factory farms, and so are making different purchases. What’s less clear is how animal rights are also a feminist issue since they’re, well, not humans. However, if we open our minds to consider animals, there’s some strong reasons to support that position.

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The other day a man wrote to me to tell me that I shouldn’t worry—I’m not that ugly, men don’t care. Thanks (not really), but that’s not the point. My disappointment with my appearance, and the squirming, insistent anxiety that I didn’t look right, I didn’t look good enough—those things felt bigger than men.

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Person with their fingers crossed, hoping

You’re giddy with excitement for your first date with another woman! So don’t let narrow expectations of what relationships “should” be get you down. Take these tips on everything from what to wear to how to make a perfect plan. These are the keys to breaking down heteronormativity and building up meaningful relationships – full of respect and a whole lot of fun.

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Oppressive assumptions and myths are often so embedded in our society that they are difficult to recognize. This is true of cissexism, which is often thought to be a more subtle form of transphobia. By “subtle,” I mean that it is less visible to cisgender people. Despite this, it is no less damaging. In order to eradicate transphobia, we need to tackle cissexism.

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